
Tell us what’s going on in your world at the moment
There's stacks going on at the moment as a dad and with the family, I constantly feel like I'm chasing things.
There's never a dull moment and there's never a quiet time - from the family, the podcast, Dads and Dudes. I set up Dads & Dudes as fitness group of dads in the village. We work together several times a week on our fitness, talk and basically just sort of share a lot of the stuff we're going through because it's better to talk about these things than to struggle along on our own. And we get a fitness session in because we push each other along.
But certainly from working with Saltrock to putting podcasts out, The Wave Project and everything we're doing, life is busy and I have to get better at saying no to things.
How do you managed to carve out time for your own physical and mental health?
I didn't have a good blend of fitness and mental health, so I created the Dads and Dudes to work on fitness about a year ago. There's about 50 dads. We've done podcasts, golf days, family events, we've even put on fireworks displays. We've done so much with local community in Longniddry and East Lothian, that that has really changed how I look at fitness. And obviously you guys, you were up, you saw it briefly on this sort of Thursday night. That's what happens. The kids are now involved. It gives the mum some peace and quiet when the dads are out training, working away with the kids. Its really, really changed my mental health. My fitness levels have gone up. It's been fantastic.
What inspires you and your family?
As a family we do so much together, we don't tend to have a good grasp of doing things individaully. If one in, its all in, I'm sure that will change as the kids grow up. What inspires us is the outdoors to get outside as much as possible and encourage one another. We want to push ourselves, not to have any regrests and take opprotunites when they arise and pick the best ones.

Any wisdom on how to manage life/work balance and make sure you have times for family fun?
I don't know if I have any wisdom on this but work life balance is a work life blend. Try and have that blend so you can enjoy your work but be able to park that and get fully involved in the family.
I don't always get it right. There's stress levels at work that can tip the balance when I go home; and the onerous part is that its difficult to shut down when the kids have had long days and they're stressed in their lives, there is sometimes a short fuse.
But that's just natural and its just life, and being a Dad. Gettting that blend is something I'm always working at.
Do you have anything planned for this Father’s Day?
Nothing set in stone for Father's Day for the family. I'm pretty sure it will be full on, it usually is out and about in East Lothian. I am putting on a Dads & Dudes session at 8am on Sunday morning for Father's Day Fitness. All the guys are bringing a flask for a cup of tea or coffee afterwards, kids will be there and if the weather holds maybe some bacon rolls on the beach. I always laugh that its going to be relaxing, but you know what its like, father of three, nothing is ever over relaxing. It will probably be paddle boarding, good food, lots of coffee and fun with the family.